Thursday 14 March 2013

Yoga For Building Self-confidence

Self confidence is the belief in oneself; to feel good and perform your best. However, this is easier said than done. Many people suffer from lack of confidence, which further affects their productivity and happiness; it comes in between them and the life they want to lead. If you fall in this bracket, you might want to give yoga a shot.
  1. Self Awareness: The regular practice of yoga helps you to understand your body and mind; its capabilities and potential. It is a journey from what you could do to what is possible. Yoga helps you understand yourself internally. Once you are aware of the potential that lies within you, your self esteem and self worth automatically increases. You are at ease with yourself, which allows you to flush out the negativity and focus on the tasks ahead. With increased self awareness comes self confidence.
  2. Yoga Teaches You About Yourself: Yoga develops both the outer body and the inner self. As you look inside, you begin to accept the good and not so good things you find. You realize that being true to yourself, that following your dreams and letting go of resentments and pain, is the only way to being truly happy. Yoga also teaches you to go easy on yourself and that no-one is perfect, so you can accept yourself the way you are.
  3. Yoga Encourages Positive Thinking: Confidence is learned. Thinking in positive ways leads to confidence and success. Personal affirmations allow you to dwell on strengths while working to improve weaknesses.
  4. Yoga Relaxes Your Body and Calms Your Mind: Relaxation is one of the key components of practicing yoga. Allowing your self to let go, to release the tension, and to discover the calm is vital to living a healthy and productive life. As you do this, you gain perspective, you prioritize, and you discover inner resources and strength.

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