Saturday 16 March 2013

Yoga and Music

Hello friends,
Let us take a break from the yoga poses and discuss something different. Earlier, we have discussed about yoga classes and etiquettes and also the benefits of doing yoga in office. Today, I will tell you about music and its effect on yoga.
Music has been used in yoga since time immemorial, especially the classical Indian music. In present times also, the divine music of flute is being increasingly used in yoga meditation as it enhances concentration of the yogis. A lot of yoga studios and classes are now also resorting to western instrumentals fora power-packed and energized session of yoga.
However, one has to keep in mind that the selection of music for a particular session should be done carefully. Though it is not difficult these days as you get music CDs specifically intended for the various practice sessions. Besides, there are many institutions, ashrams and Yoga centers worldwide who have come up with their own music composition specially suited for the yoga sessions. These musiccompositions are done by experts based on the ancient classical music and are a perfect blend of Eastern and Western.
The effects of music on yoga are numerous, the primary ones being that it increases the ability to relax, improves balance and concentration. Hence, I also strongly recommend the use of music in your yoga sessions.

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