Tuesday 21 May 2013

Tila Lotni

This higher camp is the last one before crossing the Sar pass. The site is located just beside the snow point from where the trekking path to cross the Sar peak is seen. We found some Himalayan white dogs around which looked very friendly with trekkers. One private tea point was available nearer to the camp site. The camp site is surrounded by Himalayan peaks on all the sides. There is a naturally formed rock platform just like a site seeing point in front of the camp site. We observed most of the Himalayan peaks down below us. The view looks as if the camp site is put just in front of a huge wall poster of Himalayan peaks. One can see the far away located tiny villages, bus routes at the base level. In Tila Lotni, as per the camp leader, snow bears are found in the camp location and showed the foot marks also on the snow. Those bears come to eat the disposed food items. There are no trees in the surrounding area nearer to this camp site. The view of snow point towards Sar peak is just unforgettable. During the starting days of trekking, the area will be totally covered with snow and less green will be visible. When we visited, the snow was moderate and the transition point from green land to snow was marvelous. The Oxygen level is less in this area. One person was provided Oxygen cylinder in our group. But he was later shifted to lower altitude as he continued to suffer further.

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