Wednesday 20 February 2013


Bollywood is the Hindi film industry based in Mumbai,Maharashtra, India.It is a word coined by clubbing the words Bombay and Hollywood. Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world and is also where the highest number of tickets are sold.
Indians are said to great film-buffs. Bollywood churns around 800 films every year and a segment of Indians are willing to pay a part of their everyday wages to watch a Bollywood movie. Bollywood movies are usually stereo typical, they last for three to four hours, there would be about 15 minutes intermission mid-way. There would be about 4 to 5 songs where the hero woos the heroine with a troop of 100 or so dancers in the background. There would be a villain for the hero to fight. Finally he settles down with his lady-love and so goes the generalized story of any Bollywood movie.
Bollywood employs world famous and many talented actors, actresses, villains, comedians and supporting actors. There are also a great number of technicians who work in the background to give this few hours of entertainment.

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